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News (28)
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The Methodologies Office has released 2 new PM² Canvases. The PM² Project Initiation Canvas and the PM² Project-End Canvas complement the PM² Artefacts, aiming to help project teams define key project elements during the Initiating Phase and capture lessons learned during the project’s Closing Phase

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Not sure where to start? Check the PM² Leaflets to find the guidance you need.

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The PM² Methodologies were presented at the latest Interoperable Europe Portal User Group Meeting. The aim of the event was to show how the selected projects contribute to the improvement of the Digital Public Services.

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The Portuguese translation of the PM² Project Management Guide version 3.1 was published in August 2024, and it is now available for download from the Publication Office of the EU website.

The European Commission's Methodologies Office at DG-DIGIT and the EU Academy continue their collaboration for the dissemination of the official EC Project Management Methodologies (PM²) through free high-quality e-learning courses accessible to all.

The Centre of Excellence in Project Management (CoEPM²) of the European Commission announces the latest release of the PM² Guide, version 3.1.

The award recognises the important work the CoEPM² has done in developing, maintaining, and promoting PM², PM²-Portfolio and PM²-Programme management beyond the European Institutions.

The European Commission’s official Project Management Methodology shortlisted among the top four projects in the ‘open administration’ category

Has PM² helped you effectively manage a project? Will adopting the methodology at European level make a difference? Support the European Commission’s official project management methodology by voting for project 14 today!

The benefits of PM² were presented to members of the Research & Innovation Liaison Offices of the Visegrad Group (V4), an informal regional format of cooperation between Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary.