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PM² Methodologies
  • News article
  • 30 June 2022
  • Directorate-General for Digital Services
  • 1 min read

Promoting PM² at the Annual Internal Audit Service Conference

The Centre of Excellence in PM² were delighted to attend and hold a stand at the recent annual European Commission’s Internal Audit Service conference.  

A photo of the PM² booth with two PM² team members showing PM² materials to two visitors

Members of the Centre of Excellence in PM² (CoEPM²) were pleased to join the 20th anniversary of the Internal Audit Service (IAS) at the Gasperi room in the European   Commission’s Charlemagne building.  Titled ‘Helping Organisations Meet the Challenges of Our Decade, the hybrid event brought together around 900 people, from   which 230 joined in-person and the rest virtually.

2020 marked the 20th anniversary of the creation of the Internal Audit Service (IAS), the body that provides independent advice, opinions and recommendations on the   quality and functioning of internal control systems inside the Commission, EU agencies and other autonomous bodies. However, despite Covid restrictions, this was the first-   time auditors from public and private sector, and academia could gather for the occasion.

It was a pleasure and an honour for the Centre of Excellence in PM² to be present at the Conference with a stand, which attracted many participants, from both the EU   Institutions and the private sector, to enquire about the implementation of project management tools and techniques from the PM² methodology, in a time where the internal   audit profession is facing pressing challenges.

The IAS recognises good practices described in both the PM2 and PM2-Agile guides when auditing project management and software development. Both guides are defined   as an ‘audit criteria’ (among other worldwide good practices e.g. ISO, ITIL, COBIT). IAS references PM2 requirements, descriptions, and artefacts in a number of   recommendations. Through the audits and resulting recommendations IAS acts as a key driver towards higher maturity in project management processes and controls for the   Commission and other European Institutions. This is very supportive to the role of the CoEPM² as it harmonises one common project management methodology across the   EU.

 For more information, including presentations & video, please visit IAS Conference Agenda.

 For more information about the Centre of Excellence in PM², please visit


Publication date
30 June 2022
Directorate-General for Digital Services